Pop art
is an art movement that began in the 1950s but it was popularized in the 1960s
by well known New York artists, such as Andy Warhol, one of the most well known
artist of this movement. Most of us have probably seen his popular Campbell’s Soup
Cans piece floating around on the internet. Pop art was created to challenge
traditional art by showcasing popular culture and everyday items. “Pop art has
become one of the most recognizable styles of modern art.” (“The Art Story,”
Pop art
is still a very popular art style up to this very day. It influenced typography
with its fun, bright and eye catching colours that draws your attention. Typefaces
inspired from pop art had comic like designs that gives off a “fun” feeling, and
was mainly used as a title font for posters and album covers.

influenced by pop art:

Images: https://d35fkdjhhgt99.cloudfront.net/static/samples/4/3141/880/1/582c14ea/west-bubble-gum.png
shown, these fonts share similar characteristics with each other as they are
- Sans-Serif
- Mainly rounded
- Fun and casual
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